Monday, October 5, 2009

poker tell vs false tell

People who started playing poker can try for a tell. Generally people watch other opponents for tells and try to make trap the opponents so that they use a false tell.
The main thing is here to know how do you whether you are opponents using false tell?
usually player will not take any kind of risk to use a false tell.These things will be used by beginners.Most of the poker pros, will play a serious game and will not give any tell to their opponents and will give their best. If your opponent is using false tell then it may work or not. Here trying and guessing will be working for a poker tell.At this time only you will be using false tell or you are controlling your actions or sighs to not a giving a chance to opponent for a tell. you should deceive your opponent with your acting so that he can make a false tell.If your are through with poker rules of the respective game then you can try for an poker tell.

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